The IndUS Network e-magazine

It slowly sprung to prominence ...
story ... continued (3)

As Rene turned towards the beach, he saw the beach cabanas, umbrellas, chairs, and loungers were scattered around. People at the beach were running terrified. As he panned his eyes towards the ocean he could see that the ocean water has swelled. The ocean waves were looking high and big and were splashing against the beach. Each time the wave was reaching the shore it was taking back some of the beach items and some of the beach land back into the ocean. At a long distance he could see a gigantic wave. It slowly sprung to prominence becoming bigger and bigger. It was as if a multi-storey building or a gigantic ship is moving towards the shore. People at the beach were running helter-skelter.

Rene realized the big danger coming towards the beach. Even though he was standing on a high ground he could not gauge whether the wave was bigger or smaller than the hill on which he was standing. He decided to get off the hill as quick as possible and to go away as far as possible. He started running down the hill along with Max. The trees which were looking wonderful while climbing up were really hindering his speed while running down. Rene was not sure how long he was running. Every second felt like a long time for him. He could hear the roaring wave sound coming closer and closer. He and Max were running down faster and faster. Rene did not notice a root wig on his way and tripped over to fall on the ground. As he fell down, he felt a big water mass splashing on him. There were lot of screams, ocean’s roar and an eerie silence.

The gigantic wave splashed on the shore and swallowed the entire beach.

Rene felt completely drenched. He got up and looked around. Max was faithfully standing by him. There was only a small pool of water around them. But he could see fishes, shells and debris strewn all around, even on the tree wigs. Probably the gigantic wave was not that tall to cross the hill. He felt lucky! He did not know what happened to the people on the beach. He wished they all escaped like him.

Short story continues in next page... 4

The characters, settings and happenings are fiction only.