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Breakfast Sayings - Myth or Fact?

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Breakfast - one of the most ignored meal by many busy people in developed world.

Reason - Lack of preparation time, lack of eating time, a strategy to control body weight, a morning coffee is good enough, breakfast cereals are boring and many others.

Whatever may be your reason or sayings you had heard from your mom or friends, it is a good time to verify with the scientific findings. Play the quiz to know whether the breakfast saying you heard are a myth or a fact!

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If you did not had time to make a breakfast or if you are not hungry, it is Okay to skip your breakfast.

a. Fact
b. Myth

Answer: [b]
It is a myth. The fact is, breakfast is one of the important meal of the day. After a long night's sleep, the body looks for proper nutrients to kick start the day. Even a simple, healthy smoothie helps.


Eating breakfast will make you feel tired and sluggish through out the day.

a. Fact
b. Myth
c. Depends

Answer: [c]
It is mostly a myth and it depends on the nature of the breakfast. A 180-300 calorie breakfast will not make you sluggish but a 700-1000+ calorie breakfast will make you sluggish and tired.

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People who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.

a. Fact
b. Myth

Answer: [a]
This is proved to be true. This is because, people who skip breakfast tend to eat a bigger lunch or larger snack than what is needed and the excess food deposits as fats on their body.

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As banana muffin contains fruit, a large banana muffin is better than a sugary donut for breakfast

a. Fact
b. Myth

Answer: [b]
While both are bad choices for a breakfast, depending on the muffin size a donut could be better. A superstore muffin can add you 500 calories and 15g of fat while a single donut may add you 200 calories and 10g of fat. But a better breakfast choice is a right mix protein (such as milk, peanut butter), carbohydrate (such as cereal, fruits) and low fat.


Now, for the granny's saying "You should breakfast like a King, lunch like a Lord and supper like a Pauper".

a. Fact
b. Myth

Answer: [b]
A report published in the Nutrition Journal claims that a team of scientists in Munich studied the food intake of 280 obese and 100 normal weight adults and found that a big breakfast adds hugely to overall daily calorie intake. So when you go for the King size breakfast, remember this - a medium size serving is healthier than the granny's saying.

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Hope you busted the myths!