The IndUS Network e-magazine


Breakfast Sayings - Myth or Fact?

Find yourself ...

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Breakfast - one of the most ignored meal by many busy people in developed world.

Reason - Lack of preparation time, lack of eating time, a strategy to control body weight, a morning coffee is good enough, breakfast cereals are boring and many others.

Whatever may be your reason or sayings you had heard from your mom or friends, it is a good time to verify with the scientific findings. Play the quiz to know whether the breakfast saying you had heard are a myth or a fact!

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If you did not had time to make a breakfast or if you are not hungry, it is Okay to skip your breakfast.

a. Fact
b. Myth



Eating breakfast will make you feel tired and sluggish through out the day.

a. Fact
b. Myth
c. Depends

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People who eat breakfast are less likely to be overweight.

a. Fact
b. Myth


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As banana muffin contains fruit, a large banana muffin is better than a sugary donut for breakfast

a. Fact
b. Myth



Now, for the granny's saying "You should breakfast like a King, lunch like a Lord and supper like a Pauper".

a. Fact
b. Myth