The IndUS Network e-magazine
Entertainment, Edutainment, Enrichment ™

Seriously Funny!
Yes it is humorous!

The following picks are from various sources, exclusively for you, to have a little humor from your day to day routine! The picks are mostly public domain and credits are given where the source is known.

Watch the Video: Watch your step, Security at work !

A little exaggerated humor but it will make you laugh ! Enjoy.

Press bell for security guard ...


Passing an office building one Sunday, a little girl saw a sign that
said, "Press bell for security guard."

She did so, and after several minutes she heard the guard
clomping down the stairs. She watched him shut down the alarm system,
put three different keys in three different locks, and finally open the

"Well," the security guard asked the girl, "what do you want?"

She looked at him curiously. "I just wondered why you couldn't ring it

If you see a blue screen, press any key to continue ...


Helpdesk: Sir if you see the blue screen, press any key to continue.
Customer : hmmm.. just a minute.. where’s that ‘any key’..



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