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Oral Hygiene

Fight for oral hygiene tooth and nail!



The dictionary states "dental hygiene" as "the practice of keeping the mouth, teeth, and gums clean and healthy to prevent disease, as by regular brushing and flossing and visits to a dentist."

Who is a dental hygienist?

By definition a registered dental hygienist (RDH) is a licensed dental professional who specializes in preventive oral health, typically focusing on techniques in oral hygiene. They work in three ways. First is the preventive service whereby the objective is to promote and maintain good oral health. Second is educating the patients to help them in developing habits that will help to maintain good oral health. Third one is the diagnosis of problem and the therapy or treatment they offer to stop the disease and maintain oral health.

How to keep the mouth healthy?

Brushing, flossing, and rinsing are the ABCs of oral health, but not just these three will take care of the oral health. There are a few other noteworthy points also.

1. Sodas contain phosphoric acid and citric acid which can eat away the teeth surface, so avoiding them is best.

2.Sugar fuels bacteria and acidity which can cause plaque to form and this can eat away your enamel and gums. For every sugary treat you indulge, there is a 20-minute acid production. So, need to cut on sugars.

3. Cigarettes contain nicotine and tar that not only turn the teeth yellow, but can eat away your gums. Smoking leads to a conducive environment for bacteria and plaque on your teeth and along the gum line. The chemicals in cigarettes can cause oral cancer. So say a strict 'no' to cigarettes and tobacco chewing.

4. For brushing the teeth, use a soft-bristled toothbrush and change it once in 2 or 3 months. Using a fluoride paste is preferable. Use a tongue scraper. Mouth wash is optional.

5. Learn the proper brushing technique (video below).

6. Flossing helps in healthier teeth and gums. It is important to use the correct flossing technique.

7. Almost 50% of US adults don't see their dentist because of dental phobia or some other reason. Don't be one among them, visit your dentist at least once in a year or once in six months which is the American Medical Association's recommendation.

8. Children should see their dentist by the time they are one-year-old.

9. Beware of bad breath or halitosis. The reason for this may be food, bacteria and poor oral hygiene. Give attention to this because it may be an indication to gum disease, dry mouth, tobacco use, and even medical disorders such as GI problems, respiratory disease, diabetes, liver or kidney disease.

10. Dry mouth or xerostomia is a common side effect of several medications. Lack of saliva feels uncomfortable. Chewing a sugarless candy or simply drinking more water can solve this problem.

Dental conditions needing attention:

Teeth over the years do undergo wear and tear. A lifetime of grinding, crunching, and gnawing wears away the outer layer of enamel and flattens the biting edges. Anyway, it is our duty to see to the health of the teeth by periodic cleaning and doctor visits and attend early to periodontal issues.

Some common dental problems are tooth decay, tooth caries, tooth infection, tooth abscess, gum recession, periodontitis and gingivitis (gum inflammation).

Just like any other health problem " prevention is better than cure" with regards to mouth and teeth.

Everyone do brush their teeth once, twice or even more times a day, then what exactly to be learnt about brushing? Watch the informational video below on "How to Brush Your Teeth?"

Watch the Video: "How to Brush Your Teeth?"

Kidney banks...



England has no kidney bank,
but it does have a Liverpool .

Disclaimer: The above content is provided for information and awareness purpose only. It is not prescriptive or suggestive or meant to replaces your qualified physician's advice or consultation.