The IndUS Network e-magazine

The Silent Vision Stealer

Glaucoma Awareness ...


The word “Glaucoma” originated from the ancient Greek word “glaucosis” which means clouded or blue-green hue, most likely describing a person with corneal edema or one who is developing cataract rapidly, precipitated by chronic elevation of eye pressure or intraocular pressure (IOP).

Intraocular Pressure (IOP)

During a comprehensive eye exam, the optometrist measures this eye pressure using a Tonometer and ophthalmologists consider IOP between 10 mmHg and 20 mmHg as normal. The IOP keeps varying throughout the 24-hour cycle and is least at night. The variation of IOP is between 3 and 6 mmHg for normal eyes where as in the glaucomatous eyes the variation may be more. Also, IOP is influenced by other factors like systemic medications, fluid intake, heart rate, respiratory rate, topical meds etc. Alcohol consumption decreases IOP, whereas caffeine increases IOP. Studies say active physical exercise like walking, running, aerobics etc reduces IOP; however, some form of exercises may also increase the IOP.

Types of Glaucoma

Mainly 2 types of glaucoma exist; the open-angle glaucoma and angle-closure glaucoma. The open-angle type is the most common one occurring in the 90% of cases. This is a slow process and chronic over the lifetime and symptoms are not noticeable. The angle-closure glaucoma or narrow-angle glaucoma is less common and develops acutely and needs immediate attention. The normal-tension glaucoma develops in some even though the IOP is normal or not very high. Congenital glaucoma develops when there is incomplete development of the eye’s drainage canals prenatally, and this condition is inherited. There are some other types of glaucoma, which are minor variants of the open-angle or angle-closure types. Glaucoma is treated with medicines and/or surgery to prevent further progression.

Risk Factors

Every one is at risk for glaucoma. However; the below-mentioned conditions would necessitate individuals to execute excess caution.

• History of high eye pressure.
• Family history of glaucoma.
• Age 40 and above for African-Americans.
• Age 60 and above for the general population, especially Mexican-Americans.
• Thin cornea.
• High myopia (severe near-sightedness).
• Diabetes.
• High blood pressure.
• Eye injury.
• Eye surgery.
• Corticosteroid usage (eye drops, pills, inhalers or creams).

Early Diagnosis

Glaucoma is often called "the sneak-thief of sight." In most cases, the intraocular pressure can build up and destroy sight without causing obvious symptoms. So, awareness and early detection of glaucoma are extremely important because this eye condition can be very successfully treated when diagnosed at an early stage. So, periodical eye check is important and people in the high-risk category need to increase the frequency of checks to safeguard their eyes from this “silent vision snatcher.”

Glaucoma Prevention and Nutrition

There is no means of preventing one from developing glaucoma. However, good caring for mental and physical health is recommended by doctors. A healthy lifestyle that includes nutritious food and regular exercise is of utmost importance. Foods rich in antioxidants like cauliflower, broccoli, citrus fruits, tomatoes etc., are recommended. Foods rich in vitamin E, vitamin A, zinc, lutein and zeaxanthin all help in eye health.

So, let’s take all the necessary steps to say good-bye to glaucoma.

Watch the Video: Effects of Glaucoma

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Disclaimer: The above content is provided for information and awareness purpose only. It is not prescriptive or suggestive or meant to replaces your qualified physician's advice or consultation.