The IndUS Network e-magazine

Keep your personality in order

Personality disorders ...


Personality is defined in dictionary as “the totality of qualities and traits, as of character or behavior that are peculiar to a specific person.”

Personality disorders are defined as “mental health conditions that affect how people manage their feelings and how they relate to other people.”

Identifying Personality Disorders

People under this category tend to behave oddly due to their disturbed feelings and have distorted thoughts about other people which are normally upsetting to others. They are usually rigid, unable to respond to changes or demands of life. Although, they may feel they are normal, it is difficult for them to participate in social activities and their outlook about the world tends to be narrow. They have negative feelings of anger, distress, anxiety, and worthlessness. They are not flexible in behavior, avoid other people, and are emotionally disconnected. They could not maintain close contacts with family members or colleagues at work place. Normally, they resort to alcohol, dug abuse or overdose to overcome their negative feelings. They may even threaten other people. These symptoms may differ in intensity.

When can it occur?

Personality disorders are usually recognizable by adolescence or earlier, continue throughout adulthood, and become less obvious throughout middle age. They can increase with stress.

Why and how can it occur?

According to experts, the events occurring in early childhood have a powerful influence on a person’s behavior later in life. It is also believed that people are genetically predisposed to personality disorders. Anyway, a genetically-predisposed person superimposed by environmental factors may be too vulnerable to develop a personality disorder. The disorder may be of mild, moderate, or severe nature and people may function normally during the “remission” period.

Types of Personality disorders

* Cluster A: Odd or eccentric behavior
* Cluster B: Dramatic, emotional or erratic behavior
* Cluster C: Anxious fearful behavior.

Multiple Personality Disorder also known as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)

Multiple Personality Disorder: also, called now as Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) is a mental illness that involves the person experiencing at least two clear identities or personality states, also called “alters”, each of which has a fairly consistent way of viewing and relating to the world. In a way, dissociative identity disorder is better understood by common man as “split personality” (thanks to our writers and movie makers), although an exaggerated view of the illness is always projected. Certain circumstances or stressors can cause a particular “alter” to emerge. The various identities may deny knowledge of one another, be critical of one another or appear to be in open conflict. Traumatic childhood memories are believed to be the major cause.

Treatment for Personality Disorders

When people begin exhibiting extreme characteristics, a mental health professional’s help is warranted. Most people recover from personality disorders with time and proper treatment and long-term course of psychological therapy (at least 12 months). Most mild-to-moderate cases can be cured. There are many types of help available for the different personality disorders like individual, group, or family psychotherapy. Medications may also be helpful in relieving some of the symptoms of personality disorders, including problems with anxiety and perceptions.

Watch* these informative Emmy award winning documentary on Multiple Personality Disorder.

* Strictly Adult viewing only, has disturbing content. Please don't watch if you cannot handle the content.

Watch the Emmy Award winning documentary Video: Multiple Personality Disorder!
* Strictly Adult viewing only, has disturbing content. Please don't watch if you cannot handle the content.

How are you feeling? We have never felt better ...

A psychiatrist asked her multiple personality patient, “So, do you feel like you’re cured.”

He replied, “Absolutely. We’ve never felt better.”

Disclaimer: The above content is provided for information and awareness purpose only. It is not prescriptive or suggestive or meant to replaces your qualified physician's advice or consultation.